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example of exported pdf
Each Record is divided into Text Sections and Attachments.

• Text Sections - each text section consists of a title and a text (in database systems these are usually called "key" and "value"). In the example above, title of the first section is "Make" and its text is "Fiat". Dividing your information into sections like this and using the same sections in all your records, helps to maintain a structure throughout the whole cardfile.
To create a new record with the same section structure, use the "Copy structure" option when creating a new record (see "Templates / Same format for all records" below).
Sections can contain any length of text.

• Attachments - can store any file format. This can be images, pdf, word documents, etc.
Attachments are currently limited to 70MB each file, 200MB total. See "quota limitations" for more details. is free to use.

Therefore it will help us immensely if you could financially support the development of and help us cover the running costs. allows you to text search your whole cardfile.

Results are divided into two sections:
  • found in record titles
  • found in record content sections
example of exported pdf allows you to export your records to PDF files or print them.
You can also print or export a PDF of a list of your records.

We are currently working on a feature that will allow you to publish your records to the web.
example of exported pdf
You can download backups of your cardfiles to your computer and restore them at a later time. To download a backup of a specific cardfile, click the menu button on the selected cardfile in the cardfile list screen and select Backup.
Please note that each cardfile backup includes all cards and their attachments. Depending on the size of these, the export and download process may take some time.
There is currently a 200MB quota you have for your attachments. If you reach this limit you will need to delete some of your existing attachments in order to upload more. Each file can be up to 70MB. Please contact us if you need more storage space.
If you need all records within a cardfile to have the same format, check the 'Copy content from' checkbox when creating a new record. Text content from selected record will be copied to the new record. You can for example create a record called '0 Template', pre-fill the desired part of the table in it, and copy it's content every time you create a new record.
It is now possible to transfer data from Matlafous Kartoteka to
You must first compress the Matlafous Card File data (the FILES folder) into a ZIP archive, and then upload it to
You can import Microsoft Cardfile (CARDFILE.EXE) .CRD files to
Currently only text content import is supported. Should you need to import a CRD file with images/attachments please contact us.
You can import CSV files (comma separated values) to These files can be easily exported from Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and many other programs. expects your data to be in following format. First row representing header with column names. Each following row representing a single record. Example:
Name, Year of birth, Instruments
Ian Anderson, 1947, Vocals Flute
John Cale, 1942, Vocals Keyboards Viola